List of Famous people born in Mongol Empire

Kublai Khan

First Name Kublai
Died on February 18, 1294

Kublai, also known as the Emperor Shizu of Yuan, was the fifth khagan of the Mongol Empire, reigning from 1260 to 1294. He also founded the Yuan dynasty in China as a conquest dynasty in 1271, and ruled as the first Yuan emperor until his death in 1294.

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Abaqa Khan

First Name Abaqa
Born on February 27, 1234
Died on January 1, 1282 (aged 47)

Abaqa Khan, was the second Mongol ruler (Ilkhan) of the Ilkhanate. The son of Hulagu Khan and Lady Yesünčin. He was the grandson of Tolui and reigned from 1265 to 1282 and was succeeded by his brother Ahmed Tekuder. Much of Abaqa's reign was consumed with civil wars in the Mongol Empire, such as those between the Ilkhanate and the northern khanate of the Golden Horde. Abaqa also engaged in unsuccessful attempts at military invasion of Syria, including the Second Battle of Homs.

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Sorghaghtani Beki

First Name Sorghaghtani
Born on November 30, 1189
Died on January 1, 1252 (aged 62)

Sorghaghtani Beki or Bekhi, also written Sorkaktani, Sorkhokhtani, Sorkhogtani, Siyurkuktiti was a Keraite princess and daughter-in-law of Genghis Khan. Married to Tolui, Genghis' youngest son, Sorghaghtani Beki became one of the most powerful and competent people in the Mongol Empire. She made policy decisions at a pivotal moment that led to the transition of the Mongol Empire towards a more cosmopolitan and sophisticated style of administration. She raised her sons to be leaders, and maneuvered the family politics so that all four of her sons, Möngke Khan, Hulagu Khan, Ariq Böke, and Kublai Khan, went on to inherit the legacy of their grandfather.

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Princess Jeguk

First Name Princess
Last Name Jeguk
Born on November 30, 1258
Died on November 30, 1296 (aged 38)

Princess Supreme of Jeguk or Empress Inmyeong was queen consort to king Chungnyeol of Goryeo and the mother of king Chungseon of Goryeo. She was the first ethnic Mongol queen of Korea, having gone to Goryeo from the Yuan dynasty. Her father was Kublai Khan.

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Möngke Khan

First Name Möngke
Last Name Khan
Born on January 11, 1209
Died on August 18, 1259 (aged 50)

Möngke was the fourth khagan of the Mongol Empire, ruling from 1 July 1251, to 11 August 1259. He was the first Khagan from the Toluid line, and made significant reforms to improve the administration of the Empire during his reign. Under Möngke, the Mongols conquered Iraq and Syria as well as the kingdom of Dali.

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