List of Famous people born in Kefalonia, Greece

Juan de Fuca

First Name Juan
Last Name Fuca
Born on January 1, 1536
Died on January 1, 1602 (aged 66)

Ioannis Phokas, better known by the Spanish translation of his name, Juan de Fuca, was a Greek maritime pilot in the service of the King of Spain, Philip II. He is best known for his claim to have explored the Strait of Anián, now known as the Strait of Juan de Fuca, between Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula.

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Ilias Destounis

First Name Ilias
Born on November 30, 1888
Died on November 30, 1947 (aged 59)
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John II Orsini

First Name John
Last Name Orsini
Born on November 30, 1299
Died on January 1, 1335 (aged 35)

John II Orsini, also John Komnenos Doukas or Comnenus Ducas, was count palatine of Cephalonia from 1323 to 1324 and Despot of Epirus from 1323 to 1335.

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Anna Pollatou

First Name Anna
Last Name Pollatou
Born on October 8, 1983
Died on May 17, 2014 (aged 30)

Anna Pollatou (Greek: Αννα Πολλάτου;, was a Greek rhythmic gymnast. She won a bronze medal at the 2000 Summer Olympics. One year before, in 1999, Pollatou won 3 medals at the World Championship in Osaka, Japan and 3 gold medals at the European Championship which took place in Budapest, Hungary.

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