List of Famous people born in Central African Republic

Élie Doté

First Name Élie
Last Name Doté
Born on July 9, 1948 (age 76)

Élie Doté is a Central African politician. He was Prime Minister of the Central African Republic from June 2005 to January 2008.

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Charles Perrière

First Name Charles
Last Name Perrière
Born on December 26, 1975 (age 48)
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Firmin Ngrébada

First Name Firmin
Last Name Ngrébada
Born on May 24, 1968 (age 56)

Firmin Ngrébada is the current prime minister of the Central African Republic since his appointment on February 25, 2019. He was appointed after a peace deal was signed between the government and 14 armed groups to try to suppress violence in the ongoing civil war. He also led the Central African Republic's delegation in the negotiations of the peace deal.

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Henri Maïdou

First Name Henri
Last Name Maïdou
Born on February 14, 1936 (age 88)

Henri Maïdou is a retired Central African politician who served as Prime Minister of the Central African Empire from 14 July 1978 to 26 September 1979, and Vice President of the CAR in the cabinet of David Dacko from September 1979 to August 1980.

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