List of Famous people born in Bamenda, Cameroon

Andy Allo

First Name Andy
Last Name Allo
Born on January 13, 1989 (age 35)
Born in Cameroon, Northwest
Height 162 cm | 5'4

Andy Allo is a Cameroonian-American singer-songwriter, guitarist and actress. She released her first of three albums in 2009, and joined Prince's band, The New Power Generation, in 2011. She had a recurring role in three episodes of the comedy-drama series The Game in 2011, followed by a number of other roles, including a supporting role in the 2017 film Pitch Perfect 3 and the lead role of Nora in Amazon Prime's series Upload (2020).

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Simon Achidi

First Name Simon
Last Name Achidi
Born on November 5, 1934
Died on May 4, 2021 (aged 86)
Born in Cameroon, Northwest

"Pa" Simon Achidi Achu is a Cameroonian politician who served as the Prime Minister of Cameroon from 1992 to 1996. Previously he was Minister of Justice from 1972 to 1975. A leading member of the Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM), Achidi Achu was appointed as Chairman of the National Investment Corporation in 2003, and he was "elected", or betterstill appointed by Paul Biya, to the Senate of Cameroon in 2013.

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